This month has flown by. Our first activity for the month was Cameron's school play. He played a Butler in the play "The Importance of Being Earnest" He did a great job! I went and saw him on opening night and then James went and saw him on closing night. According to Cameron he was better closing night because he wasn't as nervous by then. He enjoys the Musical Theater class at school and will have a musical revue coming up soon.
My brother and his wife had a weekend away together so we got to have the girls stay with us! Kendall loved it. He loves his cousins! In fact one day when we were driving out to Livermore to see family Kendall was saying how much he Loves Madalen & Carmen. I asked him if he loves Mommy? He said "No, just Madalen and Carmen!" I think that has since changed, He loves me again and tells Cameron and Shelby that I am His mommy and that the baby is His baby sister! We will see how and if his love changes again when the baby comes.
Shelby finished playing Fall Volleyball with the USYVL. She had a great time and is looking forward to trying out for the team at school in the Spring.
Our annual ward Chili/Pie Cook-off this year was a lot of fun! This year it included all 3 wards in our building and had games for the kids, a costume parade, and Trunk or Treat. We had a huge turn out and a lot of Yummy Chili and Delicious Pie. I even brought home a prize for the "Best use of Beans". I thought that was pretty funny because, I didn't even enter my Chili. The reason being: I didn't make it! It was left over Chili from Armadillo Willy's Restaurant that I had frozen from the Stake Scout Camp out. All I did was add a can of Stagg's Chili to it. Oh well, no since arguing with the Judges!
The day before Halloween Kendall's preschool had a party! The kids weren't allowed to wear their costumes to school, so they all got their faces painted as one of their activities and then went trick or treating to some of the classrooms. As soon as Kendall got home, he couldn't wait to get the paint off of his face! He is not a Fan of Face Paint! He didn't like how it got hard on his face and started to hurt.
Every year on Halloween, downtown Willow Glen has trick or treating on the Avenue for kids. I like how they break it up into age groups. Preschoolers go from 10 to 12 and then school age kids are from 3 to 5. Usually it is very crowded. This year because of the threat of rain a lot of people skipped it. The weather actually turned out to be very nice. My mom brought Madalen and Carmen out this year to go with me and Kendall. They had a lot of fun and got way too much candy. The best thing handed out was at Jamba Juice. They gave out little kid sized cups of Mango-a-go-go and Caribbean Passion. Yummy!!
Shelby dressed up like a cat this year. I thought she looked very cute! They had a costume contest at school. Halloween night she went trick or treating with a friend from school. She came home with way too much candy also!
Cameron dressed up twice, once for school and again for a Halloween Party! I didn't get a picture of him in his school costume. He struggled with what he should be this year. He really wanted to win the school contest. Last year, he and his friend were missionaries and weren't allowed first place. This year, at the last minute he put on a trenchcoat and sandals and went as a Flasher! I made him wear shorts and a t-shirt underneath. He took second place this year. For the party, he wore this: I don't know who or what he is!
This is not my costume! I just thought that I would throw in the newest pregnancy photo of me. I am now 6 months pregnant. This pregnancy is going by so fast it seems. I think it is because of how busy our lives are. November and December will probably be just as busy. Hopefully it will slow down a little while Samuel is home at Thanksgiving. We don't get to have him home for long before he has to head back to Provo.