Kendall loves to stick his tongue out at Kaelyn to see if she will stick her tongue out also. Poor thing can't! She was born with a short frenulum, or in other words, she is tongue tied! She is having it clipped as soon as Kaiser gets back to me to schedule it. In the mean time Kendall will keep trying to get her to stick it out.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
4 Months Already?
Kendall loves to stick his tongue out at Kaelyn to see if she will stick her tongue out also. Poor thing can't! She was born with a short frenulum, or in other words, she is tongue tied! She is having it clipped as soon as Kaiser gets back to me to schedule it. In the mean time Kendall will keep trying to get her to stick it out.
Posted by Lori Wright at 1:27 PM 5 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
I Hope They Call Me On A Mission!!
It's official! Samuel's call came yesterday and he was so excited! He had been waiting for the mail every day since getting home from BYU! He waited until we were all together to open it.
Before watching the video be sure to turn off the music below.
If you can't hear the video, because of the crying baby, he has been called to the Paraguay Asuncion Mission. He enters the MTC on July 22. This is the same mission that his cousin returned from last year.
We are so happy and excited for him! I am also happy that he will be speaking Spanish. Where has the time gone? These next couple of months are going to fly by getting him ready to go and then the next two years will probably feel like forever for me. I am so proud of Samuel and the Man that he has become!
Posted by Lori Wright at 12:37 PM 6 comments