In Samuel's e-mail this week he sent us pictures of some of the little critters he and his companion have found in their apartment. I would not like to find these guys in my house! I guess he is going to have several encounters with unwelcome guests while serving a mission in Paraguay. 

He is really enjoying his mission. He and his companion, Elder Swink get along great with each other. They have a couple of investigators that they are working with, and they have a baptism scheduled on April 3 for 3 women. One of the women, the grandmother, told them that she had a dream where she is wearing all white while standing in water next to a man with long hair and a beard. The work is moving forward and he loves being a part of it. I love getting his e-mails and reading about what he is doing. He has grown so much spiritually since being on his mission. I am so proud of him.
That's so great! About the investigators and all that Samuel is learning, not about the "friends." :)
Is it true that we'll be seeing you guys in June? I'm so excited to meet Kaelyn.
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