Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cameron's Mission Call

This is pretty much how Cameron spent his days after submitting his Mission Papers. If he wasn't inside waiting for the mail to drop in his lap, he was outside stalking the Mailman. I was happy when he finally started his job and wasn't home to wait anymore.

So here is the story of how Cameron had to wait and why.

His papers were successfully submitted to Salt Lake on May 3. Normally calls are received in about 10 days. So we expected his call very soon. Each day that went by and there wasn't a call, Cameron became more and more discouraged. Friends of his began getting their calls and he was still waiting. We decided that his call was taking longer because we moved and Salt Lake didn't get our current address in time. After a few phone calls and e-mails to the Stake President and Executive Sec. and a trip to the post office, we found out that his call actually left Salt Lake on May 31st. and was sent to our old address but that it should be forwarded. We were then told that if it doesn't arrive by June 13th it will be resent. The 13th came and no call, so I called our contact and let him know. Apparently he was out of town and didn't get the messages I left, so on Sunday June 18th Cameron talked to the Stake Pres. at Stake Conference and he took care of it. The next morning Salt Lake was informed that Cameron hadn't received his call, so they resent it and he got it on Wednesday the 22nd almost 8 weeks later.

The wait is finally over and we are so excited that Cameron will be serving in the New Mexico Albuquerque Mission. He enters the MTC on September 7th. We are so proud of his choice to serve a full time mission.