Thursday, May 29, 2008

Preschool Graduation!!

Well today was Kendall's Graduation from Preschool. It was the cutest little graduation program. It was only about 30 min. long with a party afterwards. It would be great if Samuel's graduation in two weeks would be short and sweet but I kind of doubt it. Oh well, anyway back to Kendall. He acted pretty much how I expected. He wouldn't sing when it was the kids turn to sing. In fact he walked away from all of the other kids, sat down and stared at them while they danced to the YMCA. He has had so much fun going to preschool. I can already hear him now asking me if preschool is today. It is going to be a long Summer. This is the cute diploma they made for each of the kids. They all looked so cute with their caps on and their cords draped around their neck. They even got a Lei at the party to wear. I can't believe how fast they grow, today it's preschool & soon it will be High School. I wish I could just hold on to these preschool years a little longer.


Meghan said...

Kendall was way too cute! It's going to be a long summer for us too.