My son the Homecoming King Nominee! Cameron was excited to be on the Homecoming Court. He acted like it was an embarrassing thing to be nominated but I could tell he was happy about it. After all this was something that Samuel had never been before. At the game Friday night, the King and Queen candidates were escorted by a parent of their choice, during halftime. I was the lucky one that he chose. The kids were each given a box with a rose in it. They were told to wait until everyone had their box and the announcer would have them open them all together. The ones with the white rose were the King and Queen of Branham High 2009.
Saturday night was the dance. The kids met at our house for pictures and then they went to BJ's for dinner and then off to the dance.He had fun all week participating in the Homecoming activities. We are proud of Cameron for the fun and positive attitude he had all week leading up to the announcing of King and Queen. He never felt like he was going to win, and he was totally okay with that, but he was happy to be the runner up.