Thursday, September 29, 2011

Gizdich Ranch

Today Kaelyn and I went apple picking in Watsonville with friends. It was a fun little trip, for some yummy apples and strawberries.

Kaelyn loved picking the apples up off of the ground, but I kept reminding her just to pick the ones on the trees. Here she is with here small bucket of goods.

Yummy freshed pressed Apple juice

Riding the tractor

We had a fun time at the ranch and can't wait to go back!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Elder Cameron Shaw Wright

On August 24th we went with Cameron to the Oakland Temple. It was such a wonderful day! Being in the Temple with my boys was such a special experience and I loved every second of it. I know that I have said it before and I am going to say it again. I am so proud of my boys and for their willingness to serve missions. They are great examples to me.

On September 3rd some very dear friends of ours hosted an Open House for Cameron. The weather was perfect and the yard was beautiful! We enjoyed visiting with friends and family, who came to wish Cameron well on his Mission.

James and Samuel were able to take the time out of their busy schedules and make the long drive to Utah with Cameron. They left on Labor Day. Cameron's report date wasn't until the 7th. So they were able to visit with family in Layton and Riverton. And even made it to the Salt Lake Temple. As of this morning, Cameron is on his way to New Mexico. He called us from the airport. I loved getting that call. He is going to be a Great Missionary, I have no doubt. He has already had a great example in Samuel, his older brother whom he looks up to so much. I look forward to hearing from him in his weekly emails. I will try to be better at posting about his mission here, but I am a slacker so be patient with me.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cameron's Mission Call

This is pretty much how Cameron spent his days after submitting his Mission Papers. If he wasn't inside waiting for the mail to drop in his lap, he was outside stalking the Mailman. I was happy when he finally started his job and wasn't home to wait anymore.

So here is the story of how Cameron had to wait and why.

His papers were successfully submitted to Salt Lake on May 3. Normally calls are received in about 10 days. So we expected his call very soon. Each day that went by and there wasn't a call, Cameron became more and more discouraged. Friends of his began getting their calls and he was still waiting. We decided that his call was taking longer because we moved and Salt Lake didn't get our current address in time. After a few phone calls and e-mails to the Stake President and Executive Sec. and a trip to the post office, we found out that his call actually left Salt Lake on May 31st. and was sent to our old address but that it should be forwarded. We were then told that if it doesn't arrive by June 13th it will be resent. The 13th came and no call, so I called our contact and let him know. Apparently he was out of town and didn't get the messages I left, so on Sunday June 18th Cameron talked to the Stake Pres. at Stake Conference and he took care of it. The next morning Salt Lake was informed that Cameron hadn't received his call, so they resent it and he got it on Wednesday the 22nd almost 8 weeks later.

The wait is finally over and we are so excited that Cameron will be serving in the New Mexico Albuquerque Mission. He enters the MTC on September 7th. We are so proud of his choice to serve a full time mission.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Samuel's Weekly E-Mail

I love getting Samuel's weekly e-mail's, and since it has been forever since I have posted anything here I have decided to post Samuel's e-mail from this week. He is an amazing young man (I know, I am a little biased) I hope you enjoy this letter as much as I did.

During his talk at the end of the Conference, Elder Holland invited us all to reflect on the miracle that is General Conference, and it took me back. I remember dozens of Conferences spent at home, playing with Legos in front of the TV screen until my dad said it was "time to stop playing and listen to the prophet." I do not remember a single thing that President Hinckley said in any of those General Conferences, but I remember that when the Prophet of the Lord spoke, my family listened.

I remember receiving the Aaronic Priesthood and therefore going to the church with my father and later my brother to watch the Priesthood Sessions of Conference, and soon as they said the final Amen, running out to be first in line for ice-cream. I do not remember more than one or two of the talks delivered in sessions such as these, but I Do remember the brotherhood I felt with my fellow Priesthood bearers, ready to receive instruction by the Spirit.

Now I am older. I've experienced more. I've felt the Spirit in ways or to levels I never had thought of before. And I wait in anticipation for the Conference, preparing questions that want answered. I root through the Ensigns and Liahonas stacked in our apartment, searching out the Conference issues. I hang on to every word uttered by those men ordained of God inspired to chastise and build me up. I scribble notes of the modern scripture coming from the pulpit and any inspiration that the Spirit distils upon my soul.

General Conference really is a Miracle. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the duely ordained Speaker of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Earth. I know that the First Presidency and Quorem of the Twelve are just as qualified as were the Apostles of old to be witnesses of the Living Christ to a world hungry for the truths of Heaven. I know that this is not the church of men. Christ Himself directs this work and gave the Church His name, for by none other can we be saved.

This was my last Conference in the mission. I'll be finishing the mission the last week of July. Plenty of time to "make these things known unto the inhabitants of the Earth."

Later Days

Elder Wright