Sunday, November 4, 2007


I am still trying to figure this blogging thing out. I will try to post some pictures to go along with my rambling. This year i took Kendall trick-or-treating downtown Willow Glen. We went with some good friends of ours, the Earls and Tophams. Kendall loves his friend Olivia. Shelby went trick-or-treating with her good friend Sydney. Cameron went to a party in Morgan Hill. He dressed as a Mormon Missionary. He and his friend won second place at the school costume contest. Samuel went as a Sorcerer. Although Samuel didn't go trick-or-treating this year he did dress up for school and to hang out with friends at Burger King.


Janet + Craig said...

Nice job lady! You did it! I heard WG was a zoo. Was it bad? Kendall is such a cutie!

Later! Janet

Jyll said...

Way cute! I miss you guys! But I'm glad you decided to create a blog so I can see my cute old neighbors down the street:)

Jyll said...

p.s. I don't mean that you or your family is old just that you are no longer my neighbors:)