Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More of Cameron!!

This past week was a busy one for Cameron. We had a surprise party for him on his birthday with the young men and young women of our ward. He and Samuel had the premiere of the movie they were in at school. He had his final regular season game. He had his First Date! and he was ordained to the office of Priest at church.

1) First the party. He had no idea that we were planning on surprising him. The young men didn't know that we (the young women) were coming to crash their movie night at one of their leaders homes. We showed up with cake, ice cream, and soda. It turned out great! Cameron was very surprised!

2) Movie premiere. The Out Crowd movie had its premiere at Branham High School. The boys both had parts in the movie. If you want to see it you can check it out on youtube. Just do a search for THE OUT CROWD: PART ONE parts 2&3 will be on the side. Or you can wait and watch the DVD with us when we get it. (caution: contains language and suggestive themes, may not be suitable for young children) It isn't rated but Cameron gives it a PG-13 , although we let Shelby go and see it with her brothers.

3) Cameron loves lacrosse. He plays on a club team called the Chiefs. His final game of the season was on Saturday. His team made it to the playoffs. It has been a little frustrating for Cameron because most of his games have been on Sundays, and since he doesn't play in those games his coach hasn't given him a lot of playing time in the Saturday games. I am proud of him though for keeping Sunday a day of rest, and being an example to his family.

4) First Date. Saturday night was the Mormon Prom ( an alternative to High School Proms) Cameron asked a girl from our ward to go with him. He was very nervous. He was happy that she accepted. The dance was in Los Gatos at one of our church bldgs. Dinner was served, they had live entertainment from San Jose City Opera and then there was dancing. All that for just $5.00 a person, plus pictures. Cameron and Brenna had a great time and they looked so beautiful and handsome all dressed up. Samuel was the chauffeur for the evening.

5) Newest Priest in the ward. Sunday was a very special day for our family. Cameron was ordained a Priest. We had several family members come and share his special day with us. After church we had them all back to our house for a BBQ lunch. It was delicious! It was fun having family over, we love having our families live close by so that we can get together for such special occasions. And this was definitely a special occasion, We love you Cameron.


Jyll said...

I can't believe Cameron is old enough to date! When did that happen??? They're having a Mormon Prom here too. Must be a new thing. I thought it was just our stake doing it as an alternative...pretty cool.

Meghan said...

Cameron is such a great young man. Good for him for standing up on his lacrosse team. The Mormon prom sounds fantastic - what a awesome evening for such a reasonable price! Can't wait to see the DVD of the show.